![](../image/buitercom.jpg) |
Domain links:
Site History
Internal links:
Regular history
Counter History
Regular History:
1997, 1998, 1999,
2000, 2001, 2002,
2003, 2004, 2005
12/25/1997: Started my homepage at www.Freeyellow.com.
02/??/1998: Removed all files from my site.
07/??/1998: Decided to make a complete redoof
mysite, started afresh with new HTML files.
11/15/1998: Added the counter to the page.
12/20/1998: Updated the program on the programsand
documents page and added the drivers that may be needed.
12/23/1998: Once again updated the program on the
programsand documents page and updated one document.
12/27/1998: Added another picture to the photopage
and changed the layout of that page.
12/30/1998: As you can see I added a link to Amazon.com
on this page. One has also been added on my links
12/31/1998: Added another document about IRC to the
programsand documents page and also updated another document.
01/02/1999: Added the bookstore. Will be updatedregularly!
01/04/1999: Added a couple of CD's to the store.
01/07/1999: Have my own domain now, so you can accessme
now through www.buiter.com
01/11/1999: Added the buiterpage
, a page dedicated to the Buiter family.
01/21/1999: Added a photo of me as a baby to thephoto
01/23/1999: Updated my pgp-key. Also made a smallchange
to the buiter page. Also added 4 more books to the bookstore.
01/25/1999: Added some data to my biography. Alsoaddedtwo
search engines to the links page.
01/26/1999: Reached the point where I had 300visitors!
01/31/1999: Added a link to Lockergnome to the Linkspage.
Also added a site history page. Thus From now on you will be ableto check
every event from here.
02/01/1999: Updated a document on the progdocpage.
02/11/1999: Added a picture to the photopage.
Also updated my bio, and a document on the documents page.
02/12/1999: Had 328 visitors.
02/18/1999: Had 342 Visitors. Also updatedthe
biography somewhat.
02/21/1999: Updated the availability and prices ofthe
books in the bookstore. Also added a tune to the navigation-bar. Andadded
another link to the links page.
02/22/1999: Removed the tune, it didn't workproper.
02/27/1999: Updated some links on the linkspage.
Also had 370 Visitors.
03/11/1999: Not yet updted the site, due to exams.Willupdate
withing 9 days.
03/24/1999: In the process of moving my site, withoutkeeping
offline to long.
03/26/1999: Just added two pictures to the photopage.
04/03/1999: Just Corrected some errors in some ofthe
links, and added a link to the Links page.
04/04/1999: Just updated a document on the ProgdocPage.
04/05/1999: Just removed some more errors.
04/13/1999: Had 477 visitors.
04/19/1999: Are busy with some restructuring, sono
updates for the next couple of weeks.
05/09/1999: Updated the progdoc page and the linkspage.
But am still on the restructuring.
05/25/1999: Added some photo's to the photopage.
06/03/1999: Finaly been able to update the layout,havealso
had 565 visitors.
06/19/1999: Had 600 hits.
07/01/1999: Updated the history, and added somelinkstothe
buiter page. Also updated my biography.
07/10/1999: Had 630 hits.
07/10/1999: Uodated my biography, and added a photo.
07/11/1999: Added a link to the tibetan governmentin
07/26/1999: Updated several Documents on the documentspage.
And added the Wallpaper Page .
08/05/1999: Planning on updating site, may take sometime!
09/04/1999: Made a new layout for my site. Hope youlike
09/05/1999: Just added the PGP page.
09/07/1999: Had 693 hits. Updated the PGPpage,
it wasn't working proper.
10/05/1999: Had 741 hits.
10/12/1999: Updated my biography, and updated thebuiter
family pages.
11/08/1999: Had 811 hits on my site. Addedthe
12/04/1999: Had 860 hits on my site.
12/05/1999: Updated some documents on the documentspage.
And also added some in PDF format.
12/20/1999: Updated the company pages.
12/31/1999: Had 907 hits.
01/01/2000: Updated my Biography.
01/22/2000: Had 952 hits.
01/24/2000: Updated a document on the documents page.
02/13/2000: Had 1007 hits.
03/06/2000: Added a photo of mein
1988 to the photo page. And also made some additions to my biography.
04/06/2000: Had 1106 hits
04/07/2000: Updated my biography, and added a phototo
the photo page.
04/10/2000: Added a link to the links
05/09/2000: Had 1222 hits.
05/12/2000: Repaired a bad link, and added a newphoto
to the photo page.
05/18/2000: Had 1273 hits. (that is more than50hits
in 9 days)
06/03/2000: Had 1338 hits. Also added thefamilyhistory
pages at: http://www.buiter.com/buiters/
06/07/2000: Updated my biography.
06/23/2000: Updated the biography a little. Alsoupdatemy
PGP key page, with a new key.
07/11/2000: Had 1495 hits.
07/26/2000: updated the chat abbreviation list, onthe
documents page
08/06/2000: Had 1661 hits.
08/29/2000: The genealogie data at http://www.buiter.com/buiters/was
09/01/2000: Had 1813 hits.
09/01/2000: Removed my old PGP key, and put the newoneon
the PGP-page.
09/10/2000: Had 1936 hits. (more than 100in
10 days!)
09/15/2000: Updated the Biography page. Had 1996hits.
Seem to be missing some of the history!
12/03/2000: Added a new favorite Author to my biography.
(Bernard Cornwell)
12/09/2000: Updated the biography somewhat.
12/09/2000: Added the References page, a page that
contains references to me.
12/29/2000: Had 2802 hits
12/31/2000: Updated the chat acronyms file on the
01/06/2001: Repaired some links.
01/21/2001: Added a new photo of mine, to the biography,
and the photo page.
01/21/2001: Repaired some links.
01/21/2001: The Buiter Genealogy pages have been
02/08/2001: Updated my PGP key, added a new e-mail
addres to it
02/10/2001: Had 2944 hits
02/11/2001: Added some new photo's to the photo page
03/04/2001: Had 2991 hits. Updated the history
04/07/2001: Updated the Genealogy pages.
04/07/2001: Had 3045 hits. repaired some links.
05/05/2001: Had 3083 hits. Been very busy
with my study, so not many updates.
05/27/2001: Updated the Genealogy pages.
05/27/2001: Added a section to the main page that
gives explanations as to what can be found where.
05/27/2001: Had 3105 hits.
05/27/2001: Added the first study related case (ACS)
to the documents page. Also added the Chadwick Case.
06/10/2001: Had 3139 hits. Also updated my
06/18/2001: Had 3150 hits.
06/23/2001: Put up a new picture on the biography
page, and added it to the photo page.
06/23/2001: Had 3160 hits. Put up a sub-page
at the photo page.
06/27/2001: Updated the PGP page. And put a new key
07/05/2001: Had 3182 hits. Updated some info
on the biography page.
08/03/2001: Had 3239 hits. Updated the links
page, and the biography.
09/09/2001: Had 3308 hits. Updated the genealogical
data. Did an update to my biography aswell.
10/01/2001: Had 3362 hits. Updated the genealogical
data. 2 years since this page design was implemented.
10/10/2001: Updated the biography page slightly.
10/14/2001: Had 3385 hits.
10/20/2001: Had 3397 hits. Updated my
11/20/2001: Updated the familytree.
12/01/2001: Updated my Biography. Had 3459
12/16/2001: Added a photo to the photo page. and
made some changes to my biography.
12/18/2001: Had 3487 hits.
12/23/2001: Had to remove a link from the links page,
and had 3494 hits.
01/04/2002: Happy New Year. Had 3522 hits.
01/15/2002: Had 3538 hits. Added a link to
my uncle's page, to the links page.
01/22/2002: Had 3550 hits. Added a new photo
to the photo page.
02/02/2002: Had 3571 hits. Updated the genealogy
03/24/2002: Had 3615 hits. Updated the Biography
04/01/2002: Had 3621 hits. Added a photo to
the photo page.
05/19/2002: Updated the links page. Had
07/07/2002: Updated some data on the biography page.
07/15/2002: Had 3682 hits. Added a photo to
the PhotoPage.
08/31/2002: Had 3706 hits. Added a photo to
the photo page.
09/01/2002: Added a D&D document to the documents
10/13/2002: Had 3739 hits. Added a Photo of
me and my girlfriend tot the photo page.
10/17/2002: Had 3742 hits. Added a new version
of the D&D character sheet to the documents
10/18/2002: Added version 10d of the D&D character
sheet to the documents page.
10/22/2002: Had 3746 hits. Added Version 11
of the D&D character sheet to the documents
01/11/2003: Had 3774 hits. Added a new photo
of mine tot the biography page, and the photo page. Added a new version
of the D&D char. sheet to the documents page.
02/04/2003: Had 3796 hits. Added a slightly
inproved version of my character sheet tot the documents section.
02/07/2003: Had 3800 hits. Updated my Biography
slightly. Also added a new link, to dennis
his site on the links page.
05/02/2003: Had 3871 hits.
06/15/2003: Added a new photo, of dennis and me.
Had 3912 hits.
07/29/2003: Added a new photo, of me and my girlfriend's
cat. had 3948 Hits.
08/02/2003: Minor adjustments made to te Biography
08/09/2003: Added a new photo, of Dennis, my grilfriend,
and me. Had 3965 Hits.
10/12/2003: Added the DnD Sub pages,
soem of which are still under development. The main page, and Download
pages are done.
11/09/2003: Updated some of the data on my Biography,
due to changes in my personal life.
11/24/2003: Had 4058 hits.
12/01/2003: Added a photo of my sister and me tot
the photo page.
12/17/2003: Added a new photo of myself tot the photo
page, and to the biography.
01/28/2004: Updated some links on the links page.
01/29/2004: Added some new photo's to the photo page.
02/08/2004: Added a page for my 'jaarclub'.
02/09/2004: Added a extra link to the Links Page.
02/10/2004: Removed some faulty links from my links
page, and added a link to Wilco's page.
02/14/2004: Added a new Photo of me on my First Racing
02/16/2004: Had 4228 hits.
02/23/2004: Updated my DnD Pages. Also had done some updates to my jaarclubpages during the weekend.
02/23/2004: Had 4254 Hits.
02/27/2004: Added two new links to the Links page. A link to Dennis's weblog, and a link to Lars's Weblog.
03/03/2004: Updated my Biography somewhat.
03/15/2004: Updated my color scheme.
03/16/2004: Had 4351 hits.
04/30/2004: Had 4451 hits. Added some extra photo's to the photo page.
06/01/2004: Had 4572 hits.
06/03/2004: Added a new Photo tot the Photo page.
06/03/2004: Added a 'Skype me' link to the main page.
06/11/2004: Added the Webcam Page.
06/11/2004: Added some new Photo's to the Photo Page
06/12/2004: Added a link to Schoolbank.nl under the links page.
08/03/2004: It might seem like there has not been done much to the site, but some of the sub sections have been updated regularly. The last change was to the Dragonstar page.
09/23/2004: Am exploring the possibilities of changing Hosts. Am being hosted at www.freeyellow.com right now, but found one with lots more space at www.readysetconnect.com
11/25/2004: Added a new photo of me to the photo page.
12/07/2004: Had 5073 Hits. Changed service provider from www. freeyellow.com, to www.readysetconnect.com. Thia gives loads more space, and will make it possible for me to redesign the pages.
02/19/2005: Had 5247 hits. thus far been unable to update to a new design, rather busy with study atm.
05/30/2005: Added a couple of poems to the Documents page.
05/30/2005: Added some new pictures to the photo page. (they are in bold)
05/30/2005: Had 5397 hits.
05/30/2005: Added new facts to the biography page.
06/04/2005: Noticed that the poems were inaccessible. hope to have fixed that now.
08/25/2005: Added a new photo of myself. Had 5548 hits.
Counter History:
11/15/1998: Added the counter to the page.
01/26/1999: Reached the point where I had 300visitors!
02/12/1999: Had 328 visitors.
02/18/1999: Had 342 Visitors
02/27/1999: Had 370 Visitors.
04/13/1999: Had 477 visitors.
06/03/1999: Had 565 visitors.
06/19/1999: Had 600 hits.
07/10/1999: Had 630 hits.
09/07/1999: Had 693 hits.
10/05/1999: Had 741 hits.
11/08/1999: Had 811 hits on my site. (so had
over 811 hits in a year.)
12/04/1999: Had 860 hits on my site.
12/31/1999: Had 907 hits.
01/22/2000: Had 952 hits.
02/13/2000: Had 1007 hits.
04/06/2000: Had 1106 hits.
05/09/2000: Had 1222 hits.
05/18/2000: Had 1273 hits. (that is more than
50 hits in 9 days)
06/03/2000: Had 1338 hits.
07/11/2000: Had 1495 hits.
08/06/2000: Had 1661 hits.
09/01/2000: Had 1813 hits.
09/10/2000: Had 1936 hits. (more than 100in
10 days!)
09/15/2000: Had 1996 hits.
12/29/2000: Had 2802 hits
02/10/2001: Had 2944 hits
03/04/2001: Had 2991 hits.
04/07/2001: Had 3045 hits.
05/05/2001: Had 3083 hits.
05/27/2001: Had 3105 hits.
06/10/2001: Had 3139 hits.
06/18/2001: Had 3150 hits.
06/23/2001: Had 3160 hits.
07/05/2001: Had 3182 hits.
08/03/2001: Had 3239 hits.
09/09/2001: Had 3308 hits.
10/01/2001: Had 3362 hits.
10/14/2001: Had 3385 hits.
10/20/2001: Had 3397 hits.
12/01/2001: Had 3459 hits.
12/18/2001: Had 3487 hits.
12/23/2001: Had 3494 hits.
01/04/2002: Had 3522 hits.
01/15/2002: Had 3538 hits.
01/22/2002: Had 3550 hits.
02/02/2002: Had 3571 hits.
03/24/2002: Had 3615 hits.
04/01/2002: Had 3621 hits
05/19/2002: Had
3653 hits.
07/15/2002: Had 3682 hits.
08/31/2002: Had 3706 hits.
10/13/2002: Had 3739 hits.
10/17/2002: Had 3742 hits.
10/22/2002: Had 3746 hits.
01/11/2003: Had 3774 hits.
02/04/2003: Had 3796 hits.
02/07/2003: Had 3800 hits.
05/02/2003: Had 3871 hits.
06/15/2003: Had 3912 hits.
07/29/2003: had 3948 Hits.
08/09/2003: Had 3965 Hits.
11/24/2003: Had 4058 hits.
02/16/2004: Had 4228 hits.
02/23/2004: Had 4254 Hits.
03/16/2004: Had 4351 hits.
04/30/2004: Had 4451 hits.
06/01/2004: Had 4572 hits.
12/07/2004: Had 5073 Hits.
02/19/2005: Had 5247 hits.
05/30/2005: Had 5397 hits.
08/25/2005: Had 5548 hits.